In 2024, after 4 years from its starting point, AIACE VDA associates created Bref – International Short Film Festival, the first festival completely dedicated to short films in Valle d’Aosta. From April 23 to 27th 2025, Bref will arrive in Aosta with screenings, school matinées, workshops and masterclass to promote democratic and antifascist values through the big screen and to give a platform to young and emergent cinema giving big attention to representation and inclusivity in front, behind and on the screen.
The cultural association AIACE VDA, founded in Aosta in 2020 with a strong community and social vocation, is composed by young cinephiles and cinema professionists that organizes screenings, events and workshops in order to spread the cinematic culture on the Aosta’s territory, welcoming ideas, sparks and visions from all over the world.

We Are Ready!
Submissions for the first edition of Bref International Short Film Festival are open!
If you have a short film under 30 minutes produced after January 2023, submit it through Film Free Way or Festhome!
Meet our team
We are young cinephiles and cinema professionists that aims to spread in the Aosta territory cinema culture.
Alessia Gasparella
Artistic DirectorHead Programmer

Elena Ciofalo
Project Manager 
Nicole Chizzo
Silvia Gasparella
Art Director and Branding 
Sara Colombini
Press Office and EducationDepartment Manager

Aurora Tranti
Graphic Designer Webmaster

Viviana Rasia
Social Media Manager 
In updating process!